Farm Animal Coalition Report 2024
The Capacity and Funding Landscape of the Asian Farm Animal Protection Movement
In October 2023, we achieved a major milestone by organizing the first-ever in-person Asia Farm Animal Day event in Kuala Lumpur, in partnership with AVA International. The event gathered around 250 passionate advocates, highlighting the significant growth of the farmed animal advocacy movement in Asia over the past decade. While still young compared to its Western counterparts, this movement has thrived, thanks in large part to investment from Western funding organizations.
There is a highly passionate, capable and committed community of professional advocates standing ready for the next big “step up” needed to end the use of animals for food in Asia.
Building on the momentum from our first-ever Asia Farm Animal Day in Kuala Lumpur and leading up to this year's Asia Farm Animal Day Conference in Hanoi, we’re thrilled to announce the release of the Farm Animal Coalition (FAC) and Capacity in Animal Protection Coalition's (CAPC) latest report on The Capacity and Funding Landscape of the Asian Farm Animal Protection Movement. The report sheds light on the current landscape of capacity-building and funding in Asia.
With the data gathered and analyzed, we’ve identified insights, recommendations, key opportunities, ideas for solutions, and ways to drive meaningful change towards strengthening the Farm Animal Movement in Asia, to shape the future of advocacy efforts across the region—for the love of animals, people, and the planet!