Who we are
We are a group of nominated individuals from Asia NGOs/CSOs doing Farm Animal Advocacy program in Asia
We recognise that animal alternatives are part of the solution to ending the suffering of animals in factory farms and transforming the global consumption into one that is more healthy and humane.
What is our vision as a working group?
To build a consensus on the reduction and replacement of animal products in Asia.

Alternative Protein subgroup leader
Jeff Zhou is no stranger to the world of farm animal advocacy work in the Asian continent. As China Chief Representative at Compassion in World Farming, he possesses years of professional experiences in many organizations as well as insights gained from his tireless works in the field.
What is our mission as a group?
To unite those who advocate for and promote animal alternatives with a special focus on alternative protein (Alt. Protein) through direct engagement and communications, and building a joint movement for change.
To promote innovative food production of plant-based meat, cultured meat or protein from fermentation that replace the consumption of conventional meat from intensively farmed animals.
Promotion of traditional plant-based high protein products.
Activity guidelines
We build a network of knowledge sharing and promotion, develop a platform for dialogue and communication, and enhance awareness through media outreach.
We work together to develop a clear map of NGOs, bodies, companies, as well as their activities working on Alt. Protein in Asia, bring about collaborations and encourage stakeholders to make commitments on making the change.
Build a consensus on meat reduction with alternative protein in Asia for the benefit of reducing animal cruelty and develop a sustainable future.
Work with retailers and stakeholders to develop practical plans to adopt animal alternatives for their products or replace their existing products with alternative protein in their supply chains.
Organize seminars and exhibitions for knowledge sharing in Alt. Protein for the public and for people working in the field.
Serve as a resource sharing point to facilitate a network for researchers/scientists/start-ups with potential funders
Develop definitions and messages with a global outreach and respective cultural relevance for better acceptance of the concept of meat reduction and favor of alternative protein.
Development of a glossary.
Our operational activities
Establish objective-based groups that members can join based on their aims and objectives. These localized groups work together on their own projects to build a strategy and method of working together. The results of these groups will be summarized and shared to the whole working group at regular intervals.
Likewise, national working groups can be founded to reach consensus on national issues and build local strategies.
Note: member organizations can participate in many of these objective-based groups.
Members of the group share and together build a forum to share research materials, local policies, local activities and update local victories with regard to the transition to alternative protein.
Organize or participate in workshops, seminars and summits that promote alternative protein. Members can actively suggest content, build and share content at these events. (Expense to be partly or wholly covered by funding)
Build a database of contacts in the Asian region with regard to alternative protein with inputs from members. (With limited access)
Establish an award to recognize contribution in the field for most active individuals or organizations.
Collaborate with researchers and experts to construct courses for online platforms on alternative protein to be shared to the general public. Likewise, work with professors to integrate the introduction of alternative proteins into the curriculum via extracurricular activities or elective credits.
What is required for members of the subgroup?
Circulation of global Alt. Protein movement information.
Monthly update on national or regional AP policies.
Quarterly meetings of the working group on progress.
Engage with local relevant companies and get involved in the local and regional activities.